Thursday, February 27, 2014

KML Google earth

The type of remote sensing data shown is the fire activity detected by MODIS satellite. This is demonstrated through the use of circles with varying colors to determine the time interval of the fire detection; Red being most recent and yellow being the longer interval of detection. Applications can be anywhere firefighters to researchers wanting to know what locations are more prone to fire activity. The image itself does not give too much detail and does not have good resolution. In google earth, the resolution changes as you zoom into a location and the circle becomes a defined area which is helpful for pinpointing the exact location of the incident. This information is relevant to the management of fires and is made into Keyhole Markup Language (KML/KMZ) format for use in Google Earth and other virtual globe applications. Geospatial data are organized by different geographic regions. They include the location and characterization of the type of detection including size and their significance in the U.S.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Orienteering map

This map shows a orienteering map and is designed to be used for orienteering competitions. It uses a topographic map with additional details included for the use of the competitor to be able to navigate through the different areas.  Land features represented by symbols and can be interpreted in any language. These symbols are defined by a legend in the bottom left. Contour lines are used to demonstrate the terrain, and symbols and features include the forest density, water features as well as roads and buildings. A scale is labeled on the top and uses a ratio format. The base maps are usually LIDAR maps. Generalization is used for these maps to include necessary details and to avoid confusion. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Choropleth Map

This map demonstrate the direct solar radiation annually. A legend is provided to show the intervals and the corresponding colors for a different amount of radiation. This max uses pixels to display its information. This is known as a raster data. Each pixel corresponds to a value representing the amount of solar radiation. Each pixel has a latitude and longitude, so it is tied into the real world surface. A collection of daily satellite readings have been compiled and entered in to display this information and determine where the concentration of radiation is.


This is an example of a GIS program that helps with crime rate retrieval. Symbolism is used to portray the types of crimes committed. A legend is not provided. This map does not have a lot of details and is very general but there might be an option to turn on and off certain layers that might add more details depending on what knowledge you want to seek. This map only shows line work, colors, labels and symbols to demonstrate the most basic information required.  This GIS allows the user to pan which allows you to view a larger area by moving to a different portion of the map. You are also able to zoom in and out for more or less coverage area. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Topographic relief map

This map is topographic map of Stowe, Vermont, USA.  This is a planimetric map. This map has contours showing the elevations of the terrain. The solid bold lines are the major contours and the lighter lines show 20 feet intervals.  On the topographic map there are labels lines and colors, all being used as symbols to represent different land features. The blue shapes are water bodies and the black lines are roads and there are also points that represent something. Symbolism is used a lot in this map such as different line types. This map does not have a scale but leaves out a lot of detail so that the user of the map can use the map efficiently for the intended purpose. 

Hypsometric map

This shows a map of a body of land made with software that can develop contours. This map shows reliefs, which are shaded according to elevation and is a 3d map.  This is known as a hypsometric map. This map was made using the Lommel-Seeliger relief method. Mountains and peaks are shaded a red, orange and green and blue are more even, level terrain. A legend is to the right to display what the colors mean. This can also be done to show any kind of information such as quantitative or qualitative. Different colors can be used to demonstrate any the intended information (symbolism). 

Isoline map

An isoline map shows a variable with a continuous line connecting points with the same value together. This map shows the predicted high temperatures for June 27. This is a isoline map. It uses contours to demonstrate the differences in temperature. A isoline map demonstrates a third variable, which in this case is the difference in the predicted temperatures. The change in contour lines represents the change in temperature, which is kept constant. The map also uses very omitted amount of detail such as labeling major cities and only shown the boundaries of the United States and all the states and omitting the ocean as wells as Canada and Mexico. Also Alaska is not shown here. A legend is provided to define what color corresponds to what color.